Saturday, August 18, 2012

U.S. House Elections May Turn On Paul Ryan's Budget

WASHINGTON -- The Medicare proposals advocated by presumptive Republican vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan are at the heart of the Democratic campaign to take back control of the House of Representatives. A close look at the most competitive races, via the new House Outlook section of The Huffington Post's Election Dashboard, helps explain why.
Republicans currently hold a 49-seat majority in the House; 242 seats are held by Republicans and 193 by Democrats. In order to regain a majority and put Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) back in the Speaker's chair, Democrats would need to pick up 25 seats.

A Huffington Post analysis shows that 43 of 45 incumbent Republicans regarded as vulnerable by political handicappers voted for the budget that Rep. Ryan (R-Wis.) authored as House Budget Committee chairman in 2012. All 45 voted for Ryan's budget in 2011.
Earlier this week, GOP leadership convened a conference call for its rank-and-file members. According to a source on the call who was not authorized to speak on its content, nearly every person who spoke complained that they were getting hammered at home on Medicare, looking to leadership to figure a way out of the political jam. The complainants were quick to voice their support and enthusiasm for adding Ryan, who they called a leader, to the ticket.
wait a minute, if he's the leader of the ticket does that make a repeat of role reversal among the highest ranked republicans, where the VP actually pulls the strings and the number 1 just goes from surgeon to surgeon trying to get those 10 toes out of his mouth? 
one voters observation the right wing party is_________you fill in that one, your choice among thousands of derogatory adjectives.  
it would appear to the naked eye they have no plan just like they falsely accuse the Pres. of except they really have no plan, they spent the last 4 years "trying to make Obama a one term President", see it is the Pres.'s fault the country is in shambles he single handedly prevented the right wing from doing anything, because of their obsession with him, don't you see they had to kick "we the people" to the curb, they had to put those jobs they psyched you out with in 2010 on the back burner your welfare was second rate small minded endeavors no where near as important as their treasonous efforts to sink the gov't.
maybe that was a blessing in disguise, if they had done something it would have profited the rich not you and their impending doom of America would already be upon us.
we would honestly do better as a nation votingin the cast of SNL then any right wing corrupted obstructionist.