Friday, August 3, 2012

Unemployment Rate Rises To 8.3 Percent As U.S. Adds 163,000 Jobs In July

i don't care how much the right tries to beat down the employment numbers the fact still remains, under their last effort 750,000 jobs loss a month, now continual jobs added 163k, those on the right that went to school the day they did math understands 750,000 loses to 163+. however you word it yes we as a nation are doing better then we were 4 years ago.
those disgruntled with no job understandable, but you have the opportunity to be employed, 2008 slim to none, not in that downward spiral, although slow get your republicans to stop blocking your jobs and those numbers will change. understand who is hurting your family, and it's not THE PRES.
 we all know whats best for "we the people" but some are tethered to their hate regime that ironically hates them too. recognize.