Friday, July 27, 2012

Let's Just Say It: The Republicans AND the Media Are the Problem

Many mysteries plague us regarding the press coverage of the Obama era, but one strikes me as central to our political predicament. Why, after everyone else has given it up, do members of the mainstream media persist in helping to hide—and therefore empower—the radicalization of the Republican Party?
The GOP strategy was clear from the start. Republicans, circa 2009, were no longer interested in bipartisan solutions to America’s problems. As then–Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell toldNational Journal, “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” Senator Jim DeMint famously promised healthcare reform could be used to “break” Obama from day one. And that was before the Tea Party even existed.
Part of the problem, for far too long, was that President Obama collaborated in the charade. He was so invested in the notion that both sides could just get along and legislate together that he couldn’t part with the illusion he had helped to create. His communitarian rhetoric, together with his compromise-in-advance legislative strategy, was always oriented toward inclusiveness, consensus-building and, ultimately, political passivity. As a result, Obama allowed the Republicans to stymie his ability to act on behalf of most of his agenda, beginning with the underfunded stimulus and carrying through with virtually every single initiative he undertook throughout the first two years of his term.
Similarly, in April of this year, the Brookings Institution’s Thomas Mann and the American Enterprise Institute’s Norman Ornstein, who have been collaborating on Congressional studies for forty years, decided to cash in the credibility they’d earned as nonpartisan establishment voices and publish an op-ed in the Washington Post titled “Let’s Just Say It: The Republicans Are the Problem.”
Our Pres. was guilty of having a fair moral character, he was guilty of thinking the republican party was like himself and actually cared about this country and it's people,guilty of not having the people advising him, pull his coat to the right wing indifference, guilty of dimissing the right wing rhetoric, when they vowed to sink his ship, guilty of thinking "we the people" were willing and ready to embrace "YES WE CAN", guilty of naivety in his trust of his fellow man/women to do the right thing and actually buy the chest thumping of America's exceptionalism which is it's everybody "except" "we the people".  essentially he was guilty of being a good man and President in a fickled electorate and a jaded opposition, not to mention the disloyal in our ranks. "Good things come to those who wait", remember the Pres. said "we are the one's we have been waiting for".
"God helps those who help themselves!"
Hezekiah 6:1