and now for today's right wingnut,
Televangelist Pat Robertson told a woman on Tuesday that she had caused her own cancer by harboring ill feelings against her abusive father.“My father abused my mom for years,” a viewer named Barb explained to Robertson in a letter. “One day he came home and called me horrid names. Years went by; I felt so bad so, on the advice of my pastor, I went to him and apologized for anything I had ever done wrong.”“I was tossed out, literally, so I disowned him,” she added. “I have since had cancer twice and have not been contacted by him. How do I deal with the heartache?”Robertson asserted that the situation “could be the cause of that cancer.”“You might have a feeling of loss, an emptiness, and you’ve sort of turned off the tremendous system that you have to prevent — there’s an immune system that will function when you are forgiving,” he opined.The TV preacher pointed out that God would one day punish the father “horribly,” but “all you have to do is forgive him.”“You cannot keep harboring it, it will hurt yourself,” he said. “So, let it go.
i'm waiting for the news that he gave some self serving idiotic rambling like that to another and they call him out on TV after slapping the cowboy crap out of him.
evangelical religion in a box all by itself, problem it keeps trying yo get out and impose itself on others with advise like his God Bless those he has injured mentally and those who think it's Gospel they ought to take a page from Glen Beck when he told his followers that "if you take what i say as Gospel you're crazy".
are those people so desperately in need of some direction they will follow anybody, didn't that kind of devotion end in mass death with another charlatan Jim Jones in Guyana?