Yes, even a blind black man is not safe from police brutality.
Meet Eric Wilson:
Wilson left his job at Lighthouse for the Blind. He missed his bus so he started to walk home along 65th St.
Around that time, LRPD says they got a call about someone fitting Wilson's description who was running away from or chasing someone and who appeared to be afraid.
"Hey, come over here and talk to me," the officer can be heard saying on dash camera video.
Wilson is legally blind and says he only sees shadows. He says he didn't know who was calling him.
"I could have possibly been getting robbed," Wilson said. "I didn't know what was about to happen."
Yet, Wilson complied and did everything the police asked him to do, as you will see in the newly released video below. The police though, in their report, claimed that Wilson pulled away violently and they were afraid he was going to hit them with the handcuffs.
Really? You thought a blind man was going to go Bruce Lee on you with a pair of handcuffs?
Then, seeing something stick out of his pants pocket, police were afraid he had a gun. It was a device that reads the time to blind people.
Welcome to America.
with all the recent exposing and media saturation you would think that abusive police would dial it back but we are seeing the opposite they are amping it up. they are getting more emboldened and less creative with their excuses for attacking and murdering American citizens. each incident becomes more brazen and followed by ludicrous excuses and personal character attacks of their victims which i believe are exaggerated and has no relativity to what they just did to that person.
this is not suppose to be a tit for tat game those who are the real perpetrators have no knowledge of any prior acts at the time they are committing their crime against American citizens they just get in the zone and go all Rambo on defenseless unarmed people we call Americans. they well they call them whatever fits their lie and in their heads qualifies their assault.