i've often wonder why republican women support those that think more of gnat crap than them and why they stand proud to be the fool of the party of stupid oh maybe that's why.
Cari Christman: Red State Women don’t want equal pay.
Red State Women is a new Republican PAC in Texas aimed at changing the earned GOP anti-women narrative. According to Politico,The organization will offer web-based videos featuring both elected officials and voters that are designed to show that Democrats don’t have a monopoly on women in politics, according to the PAC’s executive director, Cari Christman.“It’s no secret that when Ms. Davis launched her bid for governor, women participating on the Democratic side stood up and were very vocal about her actions,” Christman said. “A number of Republican women are standing up to say Ms. Davis does not speak for them. We want to change, revolutionize, the way we communicate with women in this party. To stand up and say, ‘Democrats don’t corner the market on women.’”
talk about a hit and miss they cannot tell Dems anything about women especially younger women that are more likely to be affected by right wing war on women they seem to all suffer from Stockholm syndrome.
The Texas GOP’s policies hurt women and children.
As the President eloquently said in the 2008 Presidential race, “You can put lipstick on a pig. But it’s still a pig.” Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and his Republican Party have effected policies that materially affect the lives of all Texans and specifically women.Greg Abbott’s GOP has kept Texas schools underfunded. They have refused to adopt the Medicaid expansion to Obamacare which hurt many uninsured women. They have instituted draconian laws on women’s control of their own bodies. They have refused to institute equal pay laws for Texas women.Cari Christman and her PAC are a sham.If anyone doubts the PAC is a sham, they just need to listen to the PAC’s executive director, Cari Christman’s interview. She was great at empty rhetoric.Cari Christman claimed that Red State Women support equal pay for women. She then said the Lilly Ledbetter Act is not going to solve the problem. She said women wanted real world solutions to the problem. Cari Christman then made a laughable statement.She said if Senator Wendy Davis was really interested in solving the problem, she would focus on job creation and access to the higher education. Can a representative of the Republican Party really counsel anyone on access to higher education and job creation when their policies are anathema to both?When asked specifically what should be done to help women achieve pay equity Cari Christman stumbled in the most embarrassing manner. She reverted to talking points and stereotypes of women. Cari Christman’s entire incoherent statement is quoted below to ensure there was no mistake that Red State Women and the GOP’s policy prescriptions amount to hot air and double talk.Well if you look at it, women are extremely busy. We lead busy lives whether working professionally, whether we are working from home. And times are extremely busy. It’s a busy cycle for women and we have a lot to juggle. And so when we look at this issue we think, what’s practical. And we want more access to jobs. We want to be able to go to, get a higher education degree at the same time that we are working and raising a family. That’s common sense. And we believe that that real world solution is a more practical way to approach the problem.
and there you have it the Stepford wives like actions and mindset of the republican women no wonder the men have their way with them rape and contraceptive needs and wages oh just the same stuff they always employed with their war against women and their female collaborators.