Monday, March 17, 2014

John McCain Goes from War Monger to Obama Copy Cat on Russia
The Sunday shows just can’t quit Senator John McCain (R-AZ), especially not when it comes to war. Near war. War drums. General threats. And of course, the GOP favorite, the perpetual re-do of the Cold War.
So it was that McCain was on CNN’s State of the Union to give his expert opinion on Ukraine and Russia, which is that while it’s not the Cold War (so fresh!), and we don’t need boots on the ground, we need to offer military assistance to Ukraine and impose economic sanctions against Russia.
This is pretty much what the President has been saying, and is a far cry from McCain’s recent“the President needs to be stronger against Russia” rhetoric.
he is looking for a cause his party sanctioned him recently so now to get back in he's now showing his war mongering bona fides, surprised he hasn't renewed bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.
why is a person who saw that side of war most of us didn't want to beat the drums again after being touted early as one who knows and would not seek war as a first idea. i think he's done but he's not going quietly those who hang to long knock all the luster of their armor and end up as a ridiculed used to be..
It’s also a big reversal from his Vice Presidential pick’s announcement that the only way to stop a bad guy with a nuke is with a good guy with a nuke. (And here Sarah Palin promised us she was keepin’ an eye on Putin.)
as usual she knows not what she says, she is talking about everybody cancelling tomorrow if nukes were in play, she jeffs it off as in her head a witty play on NRA despicable rant in the wake of dead children.