Three beer giants—the manufacturers who bring you Heineken, Sam Adams, and Guinness—have pulled their sponsorship of Saint Patrick's Day parades in New York City and Boston over the events' policy of anti-LGBT discrimination.(The Boston parade took place on Sunday, while the NYC one is on for Monday.) Both parades technically allow gay groups to march but ban signs and placards regarding sexual orientation. The withdrawals came following pressure from gay rights activists over the ban. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and Boston Mayor Marty Walsh also skipped their respective parades.
good for them exclusion by high profile traditions gets the message out to more people some might re-look others will stay stagnant in the pool of bigotry they wallow in,
but the message will be out and if would be heard by those who oppose, eventually they will become less hateful as the tide around them rises and they have to sink or swim.
We have been participating in the South Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade for nearly a decade and have also supported the St. Patrick’s Day breakfast year after year. We've done so because of the rich history of the event and to support veterans who have done so much for this country.We were hopeful that both sides of this issue would be able to come to an agreement that would allow everyone, regardless of orientation, to participate in the parade. But given the current status of the negotiations, we realize this may not be possible.
this makes those people here look like the same hateful bigots as we saw at the Sochi events even they for the moment relaxed the attacks and exclusion. and now we see that attitude here who is more superior IMO neither when you are intolerant of your fellow human beings who do you love?