and now for today's republican wingnut,
Troy Mader, Republican State Representative for Wyoming, must think homosexuals have nothing better to do than sit around plotting the demise of straight people considering his book’s statement that gay men “purposely infected women to pass AIDS infection into the straight population.”
i would think it more of a either a "straight guy dipped his pen in the in various places and took it home, my ex always told be not to bring anything home i couldn't wash off.
not every adventurer is gay some by i would look to those as a reason, not the absurdity of deliberate infection of women by gay guys, that rant kills to birds with one republican crazy accusation, gays and women compound hate effort.
While Mader’s self-published book,The Death Sentence of AIDS: Vital Information For You and Your Family’s Health was written nearly 30 years ago, he continues to stand by the “information” he presented,claiming that the average homosexual will have 1,000 to 1,600 sexual partners throughout his life and that “10,000 sex partners in the lifetime of a ‘very active’ homosexual would not be extraordinary.”Another claim in Mader’s book is that many homosexuals “demand the right to have sexual acts with children of any age, including infants.”
30 years ago and nothing has changed for this guy 10,000 partners huh sounds to me like a scare tactic worthy of a place beside reefer madness, but gullible is and those who take advantage will.
In an interview with the Casper Star Tribune, Mader admitted that some the research and figures in his book were "the best we could find at the time" and could be a little outdated. However, he still firmly believes that homosexuals are more promiscuous than heterosexuals.The 1987 book also called for nationwide mandatory testing for AIDS and HIV, for children as well as adults. When asked if he still agreed with those statements, Mader said:"You're asking the wrong person. That's what the experts recommended at the time. I will say this: I haven't seen anything to refute their statements at the time."Mader also told the Casper Star Tribune, "If you want to participate in that particular lifestyle, that's your choice, but I reserve the right to say, 'Hey, there's risk involved.'"At least that's a step up from the statements in his book, where he says that "there is not a constitutional right to practice homosexuality" and "all sexual practices of homosexuals must cease."
so if numbers are outdated does he think the average encounters now to be 30 thousand he really needs to rethink even reminding anyone that this was brought up again by him, wonder he didn't include toilet seat aids infections have risen also babies can contract coming through the birth canal not because some gay guy did them sick SOB.
i wonder how much misinformation has driven some to hate and fear homosexuals IMO more than facts have that's for sure.