notice through out he never admits to the truths put before him about him, coward or funny rug wearing liar? stay tuned to see who really is the dumb racist moron.
The notoriously thick-skinned Donald Trump was, for some reason, set off by someone attacking him on Twitter again. This time, it was MSNBC host Touré, who provoked Trump with a few tweets mocking Trump’s history of filing bankruptcy. This led Trump to start raging against Touré, calling him everything from a “dumb racist moron” to “dumb as a rock” to “a stupid racist.”After getting into it over the bankruptcy filings, Touré also nudged Trump ever-so-slightly on his long history of birtherism, the recent controversy over the Trump University “scam,” and his constant dipping of toes into the presidential waters.
obsession with ratings, his show is on the level of Jerry Springer, Morton Downey Jr.'s LOUDMOUTH SHOW, or the occasional Geraldo show ,chair throwing nazi's that and Fox news are what the right wing base has all their TV's and radios tuned to, the rest of America has diverse listening habits, not wanting to be half cocked and mislead about what really is the 411 on republican tricks and games.
this back and forth is not worthy of a ten billionaire unless he is a liar with a thin skin that they are afraid will burst and expose the real them.
he engages in a "i know you are but what am i", with a corespondent who was asking for answers to the documented truths about him not like the fraudulent documentation he keeps throwing out even after being embarrassed on TV when his arrogance made him open the supposed birther proof his investigator uncovered that was not what he thought and his body language showed it.
bottom line read the " Trump twitter wars" and see he never answers just lashes out that's the right wing in him.