Hannity: "The Police Officer Did Not Pull Out The Gun On This Girl In The Bikini Here, It Was Two Young Men"Hannity tries to defend what the video shows as indefensible. also note he wanted to interpret the video his way and stated for the sake of the audience and we know who his audience is. he failed to get what he was after but it was clear he wanted his facts not what actually happened. I give props to the two boys he tried to paint as sneaking up with some nefarious plan to over take the abusive cop they saw a young girl being assaulted and said something not doing a little dance and taunting they saw an injustice and spoke up. it coukld have cost them their lives cop pulled weapon and pointed, despite other cops trying to cool him out he went are crap crazy.
if i might quote Rev. Al, "nice try Hannity but we gotcha". and who suggested he pulled gun on the girl? guest they handled the racist bigot of Fox with not allowing him to inject his opinion in place of truth as shown in video. reality 1 Hannity 0.