Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Limbaugh Mocks Obama's 'Operation Shuck and Jive' in Syria


Rush Limbaugh continued slamming President Obama‘s lack of a clear Syria strategy on Monday, calling his administration out for not making regime change a part of potential operations in Syria. But Limbaugh then went on to mockingly refer to the president’s plan as Operation Shuck and Jive
“Bush had Shock and Awe, we’re looking at Shuck and Jive here. That’s what I’m gonna name this, the Obama operation in Syria: Operation Shuck and Jive. Because that’s what this is.”
again another right wing racist parting their lips to make way for ignorant, blissful rhetoric.  he needs to pick up a dictionary.
Racist Rush fashions himself the defacto leader of the party of stupid which by his own words gets no argument out of me.
Limbaugh got some heat today for using the racially charged language, but he’s not the first. Sarah Palin fought back against criticism last year that her using the same phrase when slamming Obama for lying on Benghazi.
Shuckin' and jivin' (or shucking and jiving) is a slang term for the behavior of joking and acting evasively. More generally, the term can also refer to the speech and behavioral mechanisms adopted in the presence of an authoritative figure.[1] Shuckin' and jivin' usually involves clever lies and impromptu storytelling, used to one-up an opponent or avoid punishment. The term is also used in the Southern United States referring to deceit or mischief involving lies.
now read this carefully and see who's foot better fits this shoe, one by one the definition is a bio of the Racist one, only thing is the lies are not clever, the impromptu storytelling is a farce, he can never, ever one up the Pres. because he will never be Pres. it only makes him a disgruntled troll and in comparison to the Pres., just a peon.