Faithful Word Baptist Church Pastor Steven Anderson of Tempe, Arizona, is back spewing his hatred for my community with a vengeance. This time it is Caitlyn Jenner who has reduced him to a puddle of writhing, stinking santorum. Anderson really, really hates LGBTQ people, famously calling on us to all to be stoned to death so he could enjoy an AIDS-free Christmas.
The video is nearly 10 minutes long, but I have transcribed some of his more Christian moments.
This week, this filthy sodomite picture is everywhere. People are showing this transvestite or transgender or whatever this guy is. I’d never even heard of him until this week. Bruce Jenner has basically mutilated his body, apparently, and he’s being praised by our president. Our President Obama is praising him, or praising her—we don’t even know what it is. I think that he used the female pronoun about somebody named Bruce.
This person is just the evangelist of sodomy and filth to the world, and people are like, "Oh, we need to pray for him so that he finds Jesus." I’m going to pray that he dies and goes to Hell.
Listen to me, I hate him with a perfect hatred. I have no love for this Bruce freak. I hope he dies today, I hope he dies and goes to Hell. He’s disgusting, he’s filthy, he’s reprobate.
You evil, filthy animal that’s destroying the morals of our country, die. "Oh, you're hateful." No, I'm loving. I love my children. I love my country. I love the brotherhood. And I hate these filthy sons of Belial. They’re disgusting and sick. 'Oh pray for him. We need to love him and pray for him to find Jesus.' That guy will never find Jesus. The Bible says he’s reprobate, the Bible explains why people would lust after another man when you’re a man. Because they're reprobate. They've been darkened.
I'm going to stand up for what's right. I'm going to pray the imprecatory prayer.
You know, I love Christians. I love unsaved people as long as they're not reprobates. As long as they're not evangelists of sodomy. As long as they're not preachers of damnation and of lies and filth. Of course I love unsaved people. Of course I love the lost. But no, I don't love that kind of filth and perversion. They should be stoned with stones.
evangelical preacher raising two more generations of hate filled reprobates typical right wing to blame someone else for yourself. he says Jenner will never find Jesus well going by his hate rhetoric neither has he. by his own words he shows himself to be all over the map hating in one sentence praying for him in the next calling her a filthy animal.
You evil, filthy animal that’s destroying the morals of our country, die. "Oh, you're hateful." No, I'm loving. I love my children. I love my country. I love the brotherhood. And I hate these filthy sons of Belial. They’re disgusting and sick. 'Oh pray for him. We need to love him and pray for him to find Jesus.' That guy will never find Jesus. The Bible says he’s reprobate, the Bible explains why people would lust after another man when you’re a man. Because they're reprobate. They've been darkened.
but he loves everything but them kind anal IMO that's the evangelical way their God grants them the privilege to hate and love and vilify with bigotry of forethought all in the same sentence. most of our Bibles don't and Jesus didn't teach that they learned it as a pass down from family tree hater #1 to that baby in his arms he needs to pray for his children that would be a more Godly thing to do. the attack is not on the idea of transgender it is a direct attack on Ms. Jenner makes you wonder what he really is upset about or even if he knows. warping all those little minds seem to be overridden but his overzealous bigotry, how many of you would see his words as filthy and evil?????
you know something else i think eludes him despite the vitriol and intolerance of one who falsely portrays himself as a minister of God and teaches and practices the opposite of Jesus's teaching God still loves him while he hates one of God's children.
you know something else i think eludes him despite the vitriol and intolerance of one who falsely portrays himself as a minister of God and teaches and practices the opposite of Jesus's teaching God still loves him while he hates one of God's children.