Friday, June 12, 2015

Paul Ryan joins the 'blame Obama' choir for bad Supreme Court Obamacare decision

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) questions Marilyn Tavenner, administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, during a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on

Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell was supposed to testify to the Ways and Means Committee in the House Wednesday about HHS's budget, since Ways and Means is all about the money side of government. But why would Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan want to do his job when he could make it all about politics and the emerging Republican theme that this is a bad law which the American people have to be protected from by figuring out how to save the bad law. No, it still doesn't make much sense, but Ryan ran with it.
"It shouldn't surprise you that we're more interested in talking about ObamaCare, especially given the president's remarks this week," Ryan said. "[W]hatever the Supreme Court decides later this month, I think the lesson is absolutely clear: ObamaCare is flat busted."
The top Democrat, Rep. Sander Levin (Mich.), hit back at Ryan.
"What's busted is not the ACA, but your attacks," he said. "Endless attacks, never coming up with a single comprehensive alternative all these years, so you are armchair critics while millions have insurance who never had it before."
He also pointed out that Republicans are backing the King v. Burwell lawsuit.
"It’s your allies who brought the suit that will deprive them of insurance," Levin said.
Ryan pressed Burwell on whether the administration would work on an overhaul of ObamaCare to promote "freedom." Burwell responded that under ObamaCare already, "the marketplace is a market. It uses private insurers."
one might think that things are not good in Mudville.  if their chances and candidates are so great why are they still employing the same skulduggery and despicable acts of stealing the voices of American citizens by suppressing their votes.  they know like we know neither side can depend on the scotus they to assist them in their dirty deeds against Americans and us doing what is best and right for we the people.  

the fact that what was their anti Obama plan formulated in Nov. 2008 is their anti Obama/Hillary plan 2016.  nothing ever changes with these people they are dedicated just not to you or the country, actually they did change something "PRINCIPLES formerly known as "VALUES" sticking to their beliefs they said they didn't need to change those "VALUES" now changed to "PRINCIPLES" but just the way they say it, "DONE".  

what they really need to change is the ideology they live by checkout link below change is sorely needed for them.