This isn't self-IDd ideology. Pew "used a scale based on 10 political values questions about the role of government, the environment, homosexuality and other issues to measure ideological consistency." The results are clear: on the issues, liberalism is ascendant.
The obvious bottom line: the GOP is totally screwed if it doesn't learn how to court young voters. Yet here is the CPAC session today on reaching out to young voters:
Yeah, good luck with that, particularly when your message is one of bigotry, higher student loan fees, and outright hostility to sex.
But there's more! You can see the GOP's death spiral in action, as each successive generation is less Republican, and more Democratic, than the previous one. That's demographic destiny, and while it doesn't guarantee progressive governance in the future, it means our job is much easier than theirs.
This chart also shows the death of the conservative Democrat, down to three percent of millennials. And what is that, a resurgence of the liberal Republican? A surprising 17 percent of Republican millennials are "mostly liberal." Given the large sample size (over 10,000 respondents), this isn't a statistical aberration. There really are a bunch of young Republicans who are more liberal than they realize because they don't hate on gays, African Americans, immigrants, the poor, or the environment.
they realize this is happening just like the demographics are coming making them the new minority, but you will never hear it on Fox or the new MSNBC/GOP. this IMO is why they are trying to insert as many haters in key positions making key laws that serve their agenda and taking away the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness from American citizens and bestowing it on the rich and the corporation people.
they offer nothing they are teaching children how to be subservient to their party and ideology and how not to think for yourself but how to obey. bottom line regardless to the hate taught at home the kids are out there and interact with other kids not White and there is no animosity or racism, lyrics from the message grand master Flash song the message, "a child is born with no state of mind blind to the ways of mankind", God Bless those who are molded with hate.
they offer nothing they are teaching children how to be subservient to their party and ideology and how not to think for yourself but how to obey. bottom line regardless to the hate taught at home the kids are out there and interact with other kids not White and there is no animosity or racism, lyrics from the message grand master Flash song the message, "a child is born with no state of mind blind to the ways of mankind", God Bless those who are molded with hate.
and from the right in defense of dumping traditional education and how to be an individual who thinks for themselves, and this from the guy who said to his followers:
Beck: 'If you take what I say as gospel, you're an idiot'