Conservatives like to pretend there is no war on women, so PoliticusUSA developed a running list of legislation to prove that there is indeed a war on women. The proof is in the policy, and policy trumps words.
Included in Hrafnkell Haraldsson’s monthly updates to the“Dirty Thirty” (a list of egregious legislation proposed or passed) is a surreal list of legislation that proves the war on women is very real.
The New York Times relatesthat “Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington State, the top-ranking Republican woman in the House, was quoted by The Daily Beast last week as saying that Democrats were fabricating the ‘war on women’ to distract from real issues.” Read and decide for yourself if this war on women is imaginary. As Joan Walsh writes on AlterNet,
“Democrats didn’t make the GOP presidential field back “personhood” laws that would criminalize some forms of birth control. They didn’t force the newly elected House GOP to make defunding Planned Parenthood their first legislative goal. And they didn’t propose the Blunt Amendment that would have allowed employers to withhold health insurance coverage not only for contraception, but for any treatment they disapproved of…”
that is the way to go call them out on the stuff they do and try to blame us. those who know should do the same those who won't well you will be hurt by whatever they propose and you vote for, you can wake up and join the human race or let the republican party pull you down while laughing ay how gullible you are. being a member of the party of stupidity puts you as the one the arrow on the t-shirt points to that says "i'm with stupid".
f you take a look at the list in the article it will refresh your memory as to who and what is driving that bus you're on. then take a look at the flag above and connect the dots.