Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Republicans tout school choice to woo minority vote

A teacher and students are pictured. | AP Photo
Republicans eager to attract black and Latino voters believe they have hit on an ideal magnet: school choice.
Led by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, with high-profile contributions from House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), 
the GOP is pushing an election-year initiative to talk up school choice at every turn.
i would advise you to pay attention to who is making this offer these are if sponsored by them propaganda mills to teach your kid what they want to really help take that money and fix the schools they neglected and allowed to fall in disarray also hire and pay teacher a fair wage and stop firing them public school teachers where charter teachers aren't unionized that means the are subject to the political climate.
another of the initial steps toward privatizing, truly want to be a help fix what they have don't give them yours it's tainted with your ideology being taught.
Calling for more charter schools, vouchers and tax credits to help parents pay private school tuition fits with the party’s mantra that the government works best when it gets out of the way and lets the free market flourish.
But top strategists say it’s more than that: Talking about helping poor minority children softens the GOP’s image and lets candidates offer a positive vision instead of forever going on the attack.
And unlike immigration reform, school choice is politically safe; there’s no chance of blowback from the tea party.  Plus, the photo ops are great. As the conservative advocacy group FreedomWorks put it in a strategic planning document: “Focus on kids and the future = excellent media opportunity.”
But Democrats say they’re confident the black and Latino majorities they built up in recent years will see the school choice push as empty messaging.
“You cannot punch me in the mouth with one hand and reach out and shake my hand with the other,” said the Rev. Joe Darby, a civil rights leader in Charleston, S.C.
Black voters, he said, won’t be won over by Republicans promising vouchers to help them pay tuition — not when the same candidates are fighting minimum wage hikes and blocking health care expansion. “The Republicans don’t have a leg to stand on,” Darby said.
Republicans beg to differ. They believe school choice can be the fulcrum of their newly reinvigorated effort to woo minority voters, dubbed the Growth and Opportunity Project.
They point to polling data showing strong support for vouchers among Latino voters, especially in New Jersey and in the swing states of Florida and New Mexico. They note that a large number of minority families are entering charter school lotteries and more than 500,000 students are on charter waiting lists nationally.
they are trying to use us as usual they don't care listen to the laws they propose look at what they are cutting how are you to function in their schools when they cut your food stamps and you're hungry?  they are setting us up to fail then their vultures swoop in and privatize. don't think all that money they claim they'll throw in to get you there that is a flaming red flag not their nature there is an IED around every bend.