Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ted Nugent Calls Obama a Chimpanzee and Subhuman Mongrel

Ted Nugent Subhuman Mongrel
My father, as I have related here on other occasions, was a racist. He didn’t much like Jews and he didn’t like blacks – but I can say this for him: he equally loathed what he called “white trash.” He taught us kids that there were different classes of people, white trash being, to his mind, the lowest of the low. I think he saw them as an embarrassment to that nebulous and often changing state of being called “white.”
This “class” idea went contrary to my early egalitarian spirit, but in time, as I got out in the world and began to experience things for myself, I began to believe he might be right about that much at least. In his mind, these classifications of people were based not on birth or genetics but on upbringing and behavior. A person revealed himself in how he acted. I remember many profanity-laden “discourses” on the subject.
I would now go farther, and perhaps regress myself: I think Ted Nugent, who the other day in an interview with (where else?), called President Barack Obama a “chimpanzee” and “subhuman mongrel,” actually proves my father’s point about classes of human beings.
he attempts to defame the Pres. with references to anything not human, but he the self reported draft dodger that has no claim to be remotely on a level with Pres., he was a coward and afraid to go to war, so he wore same clothes never bathed, let that rat nest on his head grow out, deliberately crapped himself before going to to a physical for induction, he received a 4F rating because he stank and looked like he did what he did for a month.

now he's one of the water carriers for the republican agenda, which speaks volumes to their lowest bar ever for the faces and rhetoric that represents their point.
as to chimps do they not bathe, scratch bugs off themselves swing from trees and crap where they may, if it fits you must admit.