American 15-year-olds continue to turn in flat results in a test that measures students' proficiency in reading, math and science worldwide, failing to crack the global top 20.
The Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, collects test results from 65 countries for its rankings, which come out every three years. The latest results, from 2012, show that U.S. students ranked below average in math among the world's most-developed countries. They were close to average in science and reading."In mathematics, 29 nations and other jurisdictions outperformed the United States by a statistically significant margin, up from 23 three years ago," reports Education Week. "In science, 22 education systems scored above the U.S. average, up from 18 in 2009."In reading, 19 other locales scored higher than U.S. students — a jump from nine in 2009, when the last assessment was performed.The top overall scores came from Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Macao and Japan, followed by Lichtenstein, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Estonia.
we know why this is happening the republican's are not interested in a intelligent electorate they want to keep us dumb down so they can manipulate easier, he who knows none suspects none.
they fire teachers try to eliminate dept. of education, make college tuition impossible to bear, privatization which will really put the monkey wrench in education.
The math scores of students in Shanghai showed that they are "the equivalent of over two years of formal schooling ahead of those observed in Massachusetts, itself a strong-performing U.S. state," according to the study.The U.S. was slotted between the Slovak Republic and Lithuania in the overall results, two spots behind Russia. But the PISA assessment notes that there are few statistical differences between the scores of the U.S. and those countries.American Education Secretary Arne Duncan called the PISA findings a "picture of educational stagnation." He told The Associated Press that America needs to "invest in early education, raise academic standards, make college affordable, and do more to recruit and retain top-notch educators."
From the PISA assessment:
"Students in the U.S. are largely satisfied with their school and view teacher-student relations positively. But they do not report strong motivation towards learning mathematics: only 50 percent [of] students agreed that they are interested in learning mathematics, slightly below the OECD average of 53 percent."
how can we expect our kids to be positive about their education situation when they can read articles like this? Pres has always fought to make it more assesible and relevant wanting all to get a college education to which republicans called him a snob, what message did that send to kids who heard that on the news? 2014 can open the doors to really making the country what it has always claimed to be, elimination of republican influence will turn on the lights.