In the days since Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump was roundly criticized for failing to correct a supporter at a town-hall event who said President Barack Obama was a Muslim and not an American, attention has shifted to the man's identity and, more precisely, whether he was actually a plant.
"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims," the supporter, wearing a Trump T-shirt, said at a Thursday town hall in Rochester, New Hampshire. "We know our current president is one."
"Right," Trump said.
"You know he's not even an American. Birth certificate, man," the supporter continued.
"We need this question?" Trump said, laughing. "This is the first question."
Presidential rivals like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) were quick to condemn Trump for letting the misinformation slide.
But almost as quickly, prominent media figures floated the possibility that the man was some kind of plant:
yeah i think it was a plant by the right wing who are trying to oust Trump and his embarrassing ways primary numbers mean little when it comes to general election where everybody republicans haven't disenfranchised votes and the front runner will pull a hamstring and fall off to the side preferably in a ditch.
if this guy were real and the idiotic bigoted thing he said exposing his mindset is missing in action. don't you think he would be looking for his 15 mins. of fame ignorance needs celebrity to self validate so yeah again a republican plant IMO.