Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Supreme Court dismisses challenge to Obamacare mandate

Article PhotoThe last, great hope of Republicans to see Obamacare killed outright is officially dead. They haven't been able to repeal it. They ran a presidential campaign on ending it, and were overwhelmingly rejected. 
The Supreme Court decided not to overturn the entire law once already, and has now dismissed the last big case challenging the underpinnings of the law.
The court rejected a petition filed by Liberty University, a Christian college in Virginia, which had raised various objections to the law, including to the key provision that requires individuals to obtain health insurance. [...]
By rejecting the Liberty University case, the justices left intact a 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals of a May 2013 decision that dismissed the claims made by the college and two individuals, Michele Waddell and Joanne Merrill.
wow, big surprise not only to me but the republican nay sayers got to be feeling that.  they stacked the SCOTUS and it really so far has only gotten them the voter blocking ok, which might not last.
They're not going to kill it outright. They're officially out of opportunities. They're out of time legislatively, since they're going on the long recess on December 13. They'll have to change strategies now, because after January 1 repeal means taking people's insurance away,
something even most Republicans will recognize isn't politically smart.  So now it's going to be more efforts to chip away, to refuse to allow any fixes, to create as many obstacles as possible at the state level for implementation. All of which they will do, because it's now their entire reason for being.
that audacity of arrogance again has left them with the blueberry pie all over their faces, they were so sure the court would vote their way they just kept up the attacks now they are just seen as objectionist with no legs to stand on.