Saturday, November 9, 2013

Pope Francis comforts disfigured man, brings world to tears

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had no idea i would ever support wholeheartedly a Catholic anything, but Pope Frankie on the one, i pray for his safety when you are that real and surrounded by questionable intent his back offers a clandestine solution, while he offers a better solution the world needs him now.
Pope Francis is exactly the right person to be the leader of the Catholic Church and these photographs show us all why. Be prepared to cry a tear or two.

Pope Francis comforted a severely disfigured man suffering from a rare disease.

During a stroll among many people in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday, the pontiff personally visited a severely disfigured man among the crowd. Pope Francis prayed with the man and comforted him as he cried. 
As it turns out, the man has a rare disease known as neurofibromatosis. According to theCatholic News Agency, the disease “causes great pain and can result in paralysis, impaired vision, deafness, mental retardation, migraines and even cancer. Treatment of the condition is very complicated.
People with this disease – which is genetic and not contagious – often face discrimination because of their appearance.”
Yet, Pope Francis treated the suffering man with respect and held him in his arms. The Pope then kissed the man on the forehead and spent several minutes with him before moving on.

When the photographs of Pope Francis and the man went viral, the world wept.

But that’s not the end of this cry-worthy story. It gets much better. A series of photographs were taken of the meeting between the pair. And as soon as they were released, they instantly went viral. All around the world, people were brought to tears by the inspiring and heartfelt moment.
Here are the photos via the Huffington Post.
This is an extraordinary demonstration of compassion. It shows that Pope Francis truly understands the teachings of Jesus. This tender moment must have healed this poor man’s soul and spirit, even if it could not cure him completely of his suffering. It’s also a moment that gave hope to people all over the world, thus spreading the healing far and wide. This is a pontiff who truly cares about people.

Pope Francis practices true Christian values.

The philosophy of Pope Francis is the total opposite of that of right-wing Christians. Unlike many conservative Christians here in America, Pope Francis actually reads his Bible. This is a man who has been nothing but humble since becoming the Pope earlier this year. Pope Francis is a champion of the poor. He has called upon the people of the world to stop being hateful towards gay people. He is an opponent of income inequality who has called out “savage capitalism.” Furthermore, he has shown compassion for the sick and respect for people who practice other faiths. And he has criticized those on the right-wing who are ideologically obsessed. Pope Francis is the pontiff the world has desperately needed. One couldn’t ask for a better representative of true Christian values.
i concur and that is exactly why i worry for his well being buxcking the status quo can be dangerous, we have seen the world in response to those who would be mortal saviours from the hypocrisy and blasphemous rantings of fake Elmer Gantry types that exploit for personal gain.
lots of our churches can't in honesty make these same claims their God teaches hate.