Opponents of peaceful resolution to nuclear program speak out.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose answer to problems is always to try and bomb them away, hiked up the pressure to have things his way. In a speech, he said, “Israel understands that there are proposals on the table in Geneva today that would ease the pressure on Iran for concessions that are not concessions at all.This proposal would allow Iran to retain the capabilities to make nuclear weapons. Israel totally opposes these proposals. I believe that adopting them would be a mistake of historic proportions. They must be rejected outright.”One of the stupider reactions came from a huge Netanyahu supporter in Congress, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC).Graham made a clumsy attempt to connect the talks to, what else?, Obamacare. He told a conservative columnist with the Washington Post that the prime minister is right to be worried about the talks. In true form, he added, “Should Americans be worried too? You better believe it. Never forget.The same crowd that brought you the Obamacare website is in charge of negotiating the fate of the Iranian nuclear program. If that doesn’t concern you, it should.”
things like this are what the Prs. has to deal with a trigger happy prime minister we told we had his back he runs around selling wolf tickets he expects us to help him cash,
then there's the home grown idiocy republicans interfering in foreign policy making statements that serve only to try and wreck this admins peace talks so they can say Pres. failed and they get to go to war again more money, more money, and a America on it's toes tipping around the right wing effort to destabilize the talks.
there is no limit to their obstruction even American lives. remember they are the crowd that brought us recession, credit rating dip, 2 wars unpaid for so much for "leaving the bill for our children" rant, voter suppression, lies about fraud, denying us health care, helping the rich stay that way and us the the working poor and sick go to the ER and take a voucher and a number.
What concerns Graham who, as a member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, has a @!$%#load of military connections, might not be the same concern that’s on the minds of his countrymen. Americans have made it clear. They’re done with wars and want to ‘give peace a chance’. In overwhelming numbers, they support the negotiations with Iran. They’re in good company, from countries that span the globe. Five other nations sit on the U.S. side of the negotiating table: Russia, China, the UK, France and Germany.
Details will probably include a six-month moratorium.
All of the criticism came before the details of an agreement have even been announced. At a minimum, it’s expected to include a six-month easing of tensions. That will allow longer-range negotiations to continue. During this time, the six countries would provide moderate relief from the crippling financial sanctions imposed upon Iran. In return, Iran would temporarily freeze progress on its nuclear program. The ultimate goal would be inspections by the international community and, within a year, certification that the program is for peaceful purposes.
leaping before looking again seems to be a sickness that their ER plan can't fix. they are meddling and hurting Mid Eastern talks like immigration, health care, food stamps they don't want none of it even for their poor and starving base the children can't olive on red meat alone.
2014 Nov. 4th let's find out what we can do for our country.