Seriously, what in the world is going on with police officers? It seems that not a day goes by when we don’t hear about cops abusing someone for the slightest of reasons or none at all. This time, an overreaction by the police ended with an Iowa teen shot dead.
Iowa teen shot dead: Dad just wanted to teach his son a lesson.
When James Comstock called the police, all he wanted was for them to find his son, Tyler, who had stolen his father’s truck to go get cigarettes. He said he wanted to teach his son a lesson. What happened has left a confused family with many unanswered questions and an Iowa teen shot twice.
The incident began on the morning of November 4 when Tyler Comstock asked his father to buy him some cigarettes. James refused, so Tyler took off in the truck, which was used in the family landscaping business. James thought it might teach his son to listen if police pulled him over and escorted him back home. But things didn’t go as planned. Tyler, seeing the police behind him, started a chase that ended up on the campus of Iowa State University with the Iowa teen shot to death.
In this dash cam video, you can see when the chase begins. At one point, Tyler stops and backs into the police car, damaging the trailer which the truck is pulling and causing it to shed debris. At 2:59, dispatch tells the officer, Adam McPherson, to back off. The car stays on Tyler as he enters the campus of ISU. Since speeds were reaching 70 MPH and the vehicles were on streets with pedestrians, calling off the pursuit would have been the safest thing. After all, they knew who took the truck, as the supervisor clearly mentions. You can hear the on duty supervisor say, again, to back off the chase. This is ignored. When the chase finally ends, the officers surround the truck, yelling at Tyler to turn off the engine. When he does not, McPherson fires 6 rounds into the truck’s cab, fatally wounding the young man.
if the incident played out as reported then i guess there was some justification, given law enforcement storm trooper and riot squad tactics even for a jaywalker maybe calling them should have been given more thought, or was it a "this kind of thing doesn't happen to me", no one is safe really anything can trigger a response that seen by a pedestrian looks like pointing and to the officer an insult, rthere was a guy killed for gesturing a hello to a cop and was killed because the cop thought it disrespectful not sure but i think it was in Fla during their murder spree.
officer friendly is no longer an icon for safety at the hands of police, he has become in most instances unfairly"i don't want to hear it" enforcer of White law structure reminiscent of the 70's when there were revolutionist type groups forming to fight the power that was not equally protective, that attitde still exist in certain law enforcement circles remember the cop who peeper sprayed docile protesters and want to be compensated for his stress?