Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Putin: No Syria deal unless US renounces air strikes on Assad

this is what i mean just hours after the first stories were released the rhetoric has changed twice that's now 3 times that the deal can be compromised by those half cocked and not seen the last two
Russian president Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that a plan to have Syria turn over its chemical weapons "will work out only" if the United States and its allies "pledge to renounce the use of force" against the country.
this what i'm talking about continuing the saber rattling in the face of a potential solution that would satisfy everyone can cause a breakdown in the deal, now who do you know that would relish that happening and how they could make it look for the Pres.? 
"Certainly, this is all reasonable, it will function and will work out, only if the US and those who support it on this issue pledge to renounce the use of force, because it is difficult to make any country – Syria or any other country in the world – to unilaterally disarm if there is military action against it under consideration," Putin told Russian television network RT

 that make perfect sense would you give up your only means of deliberation if the other side keeps threatening you with destruction?
Separately, the Russian Foreign Ministry said it would not support French plans to introduce a Security Council resolution that would force Syria to turn over its chemical weapons arsenal. 
The draft proposal, which also condemned Syria for suing chemical weapons, was declared "unacceptable" by Russia, according to The Wall Street Journal.
The developments suggest that there remain serious sticking points with Moscow and Damascus as Western leaders attempt to chart out a path that would both prevent military action and secure Syria's chemical weapons arsenal.
The White House had said earlier Tuesday that it would "explore seriously the viability of the Russian proposal to put all Syrian chemical weapons and related materials fully under international control in order to ensure their verifiable and enforceable destruction."
again right wing needs to stay out and let those that know what is happening deal with it, injecting themselves into a discussion that they have no idea what was said before is to dangerous to allow executive sanctions should be imposed until the deal is written in stone.