The initial reviews from conservatives Tuesday are in and they’re staunchly negative. Theproposed House Republican plan to force the Senate to vote on defunding Obamacare — while removing the threat of a government shutdown if Democrats reject the legislation — seems to have inflamed the very people it was designed to placate.
The plan was pushed by Republican leaders at a conference meeting Tuesday morning, and may be brought up in the House this week.“Boehner has cooked up a bait and switch to give the Senate a hall pass to fund Obamacare while pretending not to,” Dean Clancy, the vice president of health care policy at the conservative activist group FreedomWorks, told TPM. “We oppose this kind of parliamentary trickery. … This is a grand betrayal that they’re cooking up here. They think they can baffle and confuse people, but we’re going to make sure they don’t succeed.”Clancy said FreedomWorks, which has a large war chest and boasts millions of members, will downgrade lawmakers on their scorecard if they vote for any continuing resolution that permits funding of Obamacare, including the procedural vote that the GOP has proposed. Instead he and other conservatives want the GOP to stand firm and demand that President Barack Obama agree to defund his signature legislative achievement.
i would like one of them to give a legit reason that trumps 30 million plus receiving health care, their kids who top the enrollment list already getting Obamacares, and the money being saved and without speaking the lies that are just that because it hasn't kicked in yet so how can they predict disaster as a truth it's ok they are republicans.
they are strong arming your reps. to keep the ins. co's in your pocket and these concentrated on ones are carrying the water and looking forward to the same thing that they cry about now, do they think it will get better because it's allowed to stand, how ignorant is that?
“We see no reason why the House should go along with funding Obamacare,” Clancy said. “And it’s infuriating that they don’t even want to negotiate. They want to cave and run.”Club For Growth, another well-funded conservative advocacy group, was similarly dismissive.“Are these news reports from The Onion? Or are they real?” Club for Growth President Chris Chocola said in a statement. “When members were at home over recess, did they hear their constituents ask for legislative tricks or principled leadership?Trying to fool Republicans into voting to fund Obamacare is even worse than offering a bill that deliberately funds it. I hope this proposal is nothing more than a bad joke and is quickly discarded. Republicans should simply do what they say they are for by passing a Continuing Resolution that doesn’t fund Obamacare.”
i will ask again what about giving your family affordable health care do you see as an abomination?