Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Administration Changes Russian Proposal's Origin Story


and we're off and running,
Article PhotoWASHINGTON — The Obama Administration’s explanation of how a Russian proposal to get rid of Syrian chemical weapons came to be has morphed rapidly in the past 24 hours from being portrayed as an unexpected slip-up to — in its new incarnation — a plan that U.S. officials were involved in as early as last week.
“I had some conversations about this with my counterpart from Russia last week,” Secretary of State John Kerry said during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday, referring to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “President Putin raised the issue with President Obama at St. Petersburg. 
President Obama directed us to try to continue to talk and see if it is possible. So it is not something that — you know, suddenly emerged, though it did publicly. But it cannot be allowed to be a delay.”
Later, under questioning by Rep. Hank Johnson, Kerry said he had not made a mistake when he suggested the proposal in a press conference in London on Monday.
“I didn’t misspeak,” Kerry said. “I was asked about it. I responded because I was asked.”
this is why the republican fat mouths need to stay out of grown folks politics they always from a half cocked position say things that can endanger the real deals being made by those qualified and elected to do just that, 
not those who gerrymandered their way in under a million plus votes against them, they are the pretenders who don't deserve to be in office they were not elected fairly.
A State Department official confirmed to BuzzFeed that Kerry and Lavrov had spoken about getting rid of Assad’s chemical weapons stockpiles last week.
“He has been talking with the Russians about importance of securing chemical weapons back to his trip to Moscow and before,” the official said. “That is what he was talking about.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin mentioned the Kerry-Lavrov discussions in a speechon Tuesday, saying he had instructed the two diplomats to “get in touch” and “try to move this idea forward” and that he and Obama had “indeed discussed” the idea on the sidelines of the G-20.
The administration has quickly changed its line on an idea that it scrambled to play down yesterday in the White House and State Department briefings even as the Russians immediately followed up by making the proposal to the Syrians, who “welcomed” it.
A senior administration official even described Kerry’s statement as a “major goof” to CNN.
The administration’s tone changed abruptly Monday night, with President Obama himself throwing his weight behind the idea in a series of television interviews.
“It’s certainly a positive development when the Russians and Syrians both make gestures towards dealing with these chemical weapons,” Obama said, while cautioning that the plan will only make sense if it is “real.”
why are they trying to make this an issue it's a loophole those things they used to love before 2009, they need to stop trying to sink Pres. and wait and see what unfolds and stop trying to be in a hurry to start the inquisition and waste millions again on miguided charges of a solution to war,
but they won't they want you to think something was done wrong by the Pres. are you going to listen to false thoughts or be glad the potential destruction may be over?