Friday, June 7, 2013

GOP Senator Seizes On Revelations Of Government Surveillance To Try To Undermine Immigration Reform

Article PhotoHispanic voters, they are looking for the backdoor of the reaching out thing they are abandoning you and they aren't in office, think of the isolation you'll get if they were.  every false promise they made 2012 as they did in 2010 they are now jumping ship, they told us they would unveil their plan after the election, well here it is and it's in your faces.
there is a cure 2014 recognize and use it.
Using the PATRIOT Act as an example of a “thousand-page bureaucratic overhaul” that didn’t work, Lee said that the immigration bill could also have “unintended consequences.” This, he argued, was the case for an incremental approach to changing immigration laws:
LEE: Did the American people have any idea that the PATRIOT Act would empower the National Security Agency to spy on all Americans through their cell phones and computers? What makes any of us, least of all any conservative, believe this immigration bill is going to work out any better?The lesson we should be taking from our recent mistakes is not that we need to pass better huge, sweeping new laws, but that we should instead undertake major necessary reforms incrementally, one step at a time, and in the proper sequence. We need to face the fact that thousand-page bureaucratic overhaul do not achieve their desired goals, and they create far more problems than they intend to solve. We can achieve comprehensive immigration reform without having to pass another thousand-page bill full of loopholes, carveouts and unintended consequences.
in other words he's saying we need more of the same, that doesn't work because of it not because of progressive obstruction another attempt to schmooze us again. they are persistent little buggers.