Spot the difference
Last year, a Nevada rancher who boasts that he doesn’t “recognize the United States government as even existing” become a hero of Fox News pundits and other conservative commentators for refusing to pay grazing fees he owes the government.
But when a black woman named Sandra Bland was forced out of her car and to the ground by a Texas police officer after she reportedly failed to signal during a lane switch and declined to put out a cigarette, Fox News thinks this is a time to lecture viewers on how to be respectful to law enforcement. Bland later died in police custody in what investigators ruled was a suicide. -
White men defending a criminal, facing down gubbmint agencies with many, many guns, good.
African American Woman armed with a cigarette, bad. The policeman was being exposed to second hand smoke for crissakes!
Gubbmint backs down from gun wielding white men, bringing back America.
African American woman dies in police custody, well she should have signaled.
Armed white men threatening murderous violence, not being trod upon.
Unarmed people of color, should obey the rules. If they die, it's their own fault.
This is what insanity and inherent racism does to you.
You can see Fox Noise at every mass murder holding its breath waiting for the skin tone of the killer to be released. If white, he will be deemed to be just another crazy kid and more guns will be needed. If a person of color, than any explanation that terrifies their audience will be good to go, Muslim extremist black panthers! Moar Gubbmint!
Armed white men threatening everyone = militia
Armed people of color = gangs.
I ask you, where in the constitution does it say that gangs should be well regulated and armed!
The outcomes of these two sagas.
Cliven Bundy is still giving the middle finger to the gubbmint.
Sandra Bland was buried.
I believe some deluded fool on SCOTUS proposed that racism was over
Every single day that goes by shows that racism is institutionalized and part of our every day culture.the difference is there it is relevant and it is ignored by those who oppose the legitimacy American culture after all how can you be the greatest country in the world when racism is the religion of half the country.
we have also seen and heard the differences pointed out in this article unfold before i guess republicans would say "our lying eyes and ears", but that does not make it go away or it's biased rhetoric that furthers the White radical agenda that again according to them is a liberal lie.
but it's literally impossible for a lie to disqualify reality however it can lay stagnant in the heads of those who seek redemption for the choices they make as reprehensible as they may be and dragged out in an attempt to defend the indefensible. you know like when Fox is hit with the truth they start pointing over here.
from crazed armed with a permit faux patriots to the everlasting bogeyman they have been selling for centuries nothing changes when you have a limit ability to actually think for yourself and right wing Uncle Sugar standing behind you whispering in your ear " they are coming for your guns" what they leave out is "they are coming for your food stamps, medicare, your healthcare living wage, and right to vote". recognize