Friday, June 7, 2013

Officials Can't Prove Holding 12,400 People in Solitary Makes Federal Prisons Safer

The U.S. Bureau of Prisons currently holds more than 12,400 individuals in 23-hour-a-day lockdown, making it the largest practitioner of solitary and other forms of isolated confinement in the nation, and most likely the world. 
Article PhotoYet the BOP does not know whether its use of "segregated housing" has any impact on prison safety, how it affects the prisoners who endure it, or how much it all costs American taxpayers. This according to a comprehensive new report from the Government Accountability Office.
The GAO documents a dramatic rise in the use of isolated confinement in federal prisons over the past five years. Yet the "BOP has not assessed the impact of segregated housing on institutional safety or the impacts of long-term segregation on inmates," the report states.
simple they don't care for gov't prisons there is money to be skimmed, private prisons bills to pad.
they also bank on the day when they can declare the cost is to high while they continually stock the cellblocks, at that point alternative privatize looks pretty good way to rid the country of the cost of their jail fetish and still get that unproportionate lock up and do away with the progressive vote in one fell swoop.
The report was put together at the request of three members of Congress: Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), who last year convened a Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on solitary confinement in which he sharply questioned BOP director Charles Samuels; Elijah Cummings (D-MD), ranking member on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform; and Bobby Scott (D-VA), ranking member on the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations. Their letter states:
There is little publicly available information on BOP's use of segregated housing units. Given the potential high costs, lack of research on their effectiveness, and possible long-term detrimental effects on inmates, you requested that we review BOP's segregated housing unit practices, including BOP's standards, reasons for segregating inmates, and costs.
note not one republican involved, they already have that plan to privatize why muddy their shoes walking through this "not going to pass congress effort, they would consider this a waste of taxpayer money. when they do it, it's ok they're repyublicans the majority of which holds the American wallet.
recidivism is a plus assure return of more ex cons after they warp their minds with all they do or mostly don't do.