Saturday, April 20, 2013

Study Shows That Belief In An Angry God Is Bad For Mental Health

Article PhotoThis is another great reason to be non-religious, or at least to believe in a loving creator rather than a wrathful one. A new study links the belief in a vengeful, wrathful, angry god to various psychiatric disorders, The Raw Story reports. The April Edition of the Journal of Religion and Health reports on a study conducted by Professor Nava Stilton, Assistant Psychology Professor at Marymount Manhattan College, which finds that there is a link between beliefs and various psychiatric disorders.  you are what you believe,  if the God you acknowledge is mean and vengeful then it's teachings can by default be of that kind.  evangelicals IMO believe in such a deity, their whole platform is built around hate and bigotry and violence to attain that existence, with no consideration for anything but the goal.