With an intense media focus on the Boston Marathon bombing and the plant explosion in Texas this week, it might be possible to excuse Fox News for failing to cover the Senate debate over gun control and the failure of that august body to take any effective action.It might be. On closer look, however, it’s not.Not only did Fox News ignore the debate and the vote generally, the network also chose not to air President Obama’s heartfelt response to the Senate’s failure.All they could muster up the courage to offer was this snippet of the President’s remarks on their Facebook feed. Naturally, they picked the one section that could scare the poor souls who tune-in regularly:
know this the right wing war on everything will not slow it's roll, it will continue to fester throughout the airwaves and strike those whoare underinformed as the breaking story of the century, each time.
It might be. On closer look, however, it’s not.Not only did Fox News ignore the debate and the vote generally, the network also chose not to air President Obama’s heartfelt response to the Senate’s failure.All they could muster up the courage to offer was this snippet of the President’s remarks on their Facebook feed. Naturally, they picked the one section that could scare the poor souls who tune-in regularly:“All in all, this was a pretty shameful day for Washington. But this effort is not over. I want to make it clear to the American people: We can still bring about meaningful changes that reduce gun violence so long as the American people don’t give up on them.” -President Obama speaks about the background check plan defeated in the SenateEven this brief quotation seemed to rile and confuse most of their loyal viewers. Typical responses included:Rob Stratton You dum fuk.. this is our country and you will not take it! Go conquer Kenya jackoff!Annabelle Behr How many more freedoms can you take away from us, Mr. President. Next will be freedom of speech.Caroline McElwee Morris Go to hell…. my constitutional right will never be taken away… you don’t like this country enough… get out!!!!!Neither Behr nor Morris seemed to notice that thousands of people were still commenting on the feed and doing so freely.Others echoed Senator Rand Paul, who said that he thought Obama was using Newtown parents as “props” during his speeches:Debbie Bates He needs to quit using all these props to make people feel sorry for him and his stupid bills. The American people arr smarter than that!!!!!(Not so smart, Debbie, not to realize that the bill was put forward by two senators, Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat, and Pat Toomey a Pennsylvania Republican.)
this is the mindset of the house that FOX built be very very afraid. nowhere is there an addressing of guns being a problem, nor the relavancy of the deaths.