Saturday, April 20, 2013

Ruslan Tsarni, uncle of Boston Marathon bombing suspects, denounces them

Article PhotoRuslan Tsarni emerged through the front door of his red-brick home in Montgomery Village, walked down the driveway and declared to a bank of cameras that his two nephews, the accused Boston Marathon bombers, were “losers.”
It was a dramatic gesture, broadcast across the nation, to process his horror at what his relatives had allegedly done. It was also a stark contrast to the messages from other relatives that trickled out Friday; it was not a defense of brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, but an apology to the country he loves.
“The only purpose here,” Tsarni began, his voice cracking with emotion and purpose, “is just to deliver our condolences and to share grief with the real victims here, those who’ve been murdered.”
He was not the only family member who felt compelled to speak out. The young men’s father said they wouldn’t hurt a fly. An aunt doubted they planted the bombs, suggesting the two had been set up as suspects.
if they are really guilty then maybe a lesson to learn maybe not to take the denial route if your kid dos something and the evidence seems to pile up consider it might be true. taking the stance that 'nah not my kids" only serves to potentially make that future suspect possibly your kid. 
The father of the brothers, Anzor Tsarnaev, told the Interfax news agency that he had talked to his sons after the explosions, and they told him they were safe and hadn’t been near the race.
“I asked them if they were okay. They said, ‘Don’t worry, we weren’t there at all,’ ” Anzor Tsarnaev said. “I don’t believe that my children did it. They wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
i would say the ensuing events the shooting possession of ordinance dad is right thy wouldn't harm a fly they were after people human beings dad needs to wake up and smell the crap these boys left behind.