Julianna Smoot was there from the very beginning of Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, giving the Illinois senator a simple, yet daunting assignment: call a list of donors and convince them to pitch in as much as they could to a campaign expected to eventually lose to Hillary Clinton.
Those donor lists over the years developed into a sprawling network of bundlers, which helped Obama shatter fundraising records twice, raising $880 million in 2008 and more than $ 1 billion in 2012.Now, Smoot hopes to tap that Obama donor network for two separate causes: the new Organizing for Action nonprofit group and Senate Majority PAC, the Democratic super PAC tied to Majority Leader Harry Reid.OFA is the offshoot of Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign that has pledged to be non-partisan but is controlling Obama’s Twitter account and advocating for White House priorities includinggun control and immigration.
in this republican war on America and American's all cheating is fair in war, the Pres. has outBama'd them at every turn since they first punked him in 2010, he learned like any good commander and chief and now instead of meeting nefarios skulduggery with itself he has taken a legal and brilliant path not of lies and deciet but one that allows him to dance with the one's who brung him to the WH, "WE THE PEOPLE" that was always his plan hence the "yes we can" message we didn't understand then but trickery and devisiveness have educated us as well, no longer Pres. against Beohner and co. but them against him and 51% of Americans and rising.
Other former Obama campaign and White House veterans are also working for OFA, but group officials — and Obama — have repeatedly said the new group’s mission is clear and distinct from electoral politics because it’s organized around issues.“OFA is organized around issues rather than 2014,” Obama told House Republicans at a meeting last month.Smoot said she sees no problem with doing both jobs.
i don't see a problem with both either, they didn't see us coming before not knowing wich direction to look this time will render them completely befuddled to implosion.