Saturday, July 14, 2012

who's the job creators, really?

Mitt Romney repeated an argument he makes in almost every stump speech: that a tax increase on upper earners will slow hiring because most Americans work for small businesses, whose owners report earnings on their individual returns.
“Fifty-four percent of American workers work in businesses taxed as individuals,” Mr. Romney said at a fund-raising event in Montana on Wednesday, repeating a figure he uses often. “So when the president wants to raise taxes on individuals — as he’s proposed from 35 percent to 40 percent — he kills jobs.” 
Mitt Romney repeated an argument he makes in almost every stump speech: that a tax increase on upper earners will slow hiring because most Americans work for small businesses, whose owners report earnings on their individual returns.
“Fifty-four percent of American workers work in businesses taxed as individuals,” Mr. Romney said at a fund-raising event in Montana on Wednesday, repeating a figure he uses often. “So when the president wants to raise taxes on individuals — as he’s proposed from 35 percent to 40 percent — he kills jobs.”
Mr. Obama is correct that only a tiny sliver of business owners make enough to land in the top tax brackets. The Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan Congressional office, estimated last month that 3.5 percent of taxpayers with business income in 2013 would fall in the tax brackets that would rise under the president’s proposal. 
But most small-business owners would be exempt, he said, because “97 percent of small businesses fall under the $250,000 threshold.”
Republicans, by reframing the issue of taxes on the wealthy into a debate about job creation, have cannily evoked Americans’ patriotic support of small businesses as an engine of economic growth. Democratic and Republican politicians are equally given to praising small businesses for creating a majority of jobs. 
the right wing repetitious lying still ends up being a lie, no matter how hard they try to rename and redefine they will always fall short of the truth because their arguments rarely if at all contain an iota of honesty.  live by it, die by it.  the untruths that is.

  Mr. Obama is correct that only a tiny sliver of business owners make enough to land in the top tax brackets. The Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan Congressional office, estimated last month that 3.5 percent of taxpayers with business income in 2013 would fall in the tax brackets that would rise under the president’s proposal.

 how many ways can you define the same thing, you'll have to ask the right wing they are still breaking their own record.
just keepin' it real