Saturday, July 14, 2012

Widening sex scandal rocks Texas military base

SAN ANTONIO (AP) — A widening sex scandal has rocked Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, one of the nation's busiest military training centers.
Four male instructors are charged with having sex with, and in one case raping, female trainees. Charges against others are possible.
The most serious accusations surround an Air Force staff sergeant who is charged with rape and aggravated sexual assault. He is scheduled to face a court-martial in July. The other three defendants are charged with lesser crimes ranging from sexual misconduct to adultery.
The defendants are all instructors whose job is to turn raw recruits into airmen in eight weeks of basic training.
are all the pro sex drugs on the market today helping to promote this aggression toward women making it hard for the right to deny war on women premise? or is it just such lax laws like the one congress rejected,
Violence Against Women Act
once again right wing women this gives your men the green light to "kick your can all over the place" (Queen)
they don't care about your health and welfare they are making "YOU" 3/5ths of a human being. you are part of a minority not till recently exposed.