Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rubio's effort to reach Hispanics could backfire on Senate floor

some of the American people see through the fake efforts of the right wing to garner votes from the very one's they have demonized, demeaned, prejudicial wanting nothing to do with them, until they need their vote's then another curb kicking for 4 years?

IMO when they saw their fruit withering on the vine from their attacks on worker's in the south they started looking around, then when population rise is reported panic sets in they think at the 11th hour they can cozy up and dangle a lying republican Cuban American like a shiny object and all is forgiven? what about electrocuting them with 2 3 fences, self deportation. they must think Hispanic brains are as watered down as their base's.

"Republicans hope Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) can help them reach out to Hispanic voters but any debate on immigration reform could end up alienating the bloc they are courting".

"Groups that want to stem the flow of illegal immigration say a bill Rubio has crafted could become a vehicle for other proposals, such as legislation requiring employers to verify the immigration status of workers and revoking birthright citizenship".

does this sound like they are now ready to love Hispanic voter's, or are they going to "other proposal" them 180 degrees to the same attitude that has never left. the right wing is for you, they lie, you vote, they renege on that lie you vote again, they tell you they after 9 recesses this year are going to continue doing nothing on "we the people's" dime, and they have no intention of helping this admin help you, and you vote again, so many reference's to you in this statement but what materially can you point to that the right has actually given "YOU"?

how far does hate and bigotry get you before you realize it ain't all about you, it's about those you need too for what ever reason, denying that fact just shows the ignorance of "ONE" as oppose to the brilliance of many. recognize! please click title