this is an example of the insensitivity of those who very well meant all the things they have spewed over the decades. this also is a tribute to the people who now recognize that what once was is not going to be allowed back in.
"Legendary insult comic Don Rickles has had a long history of using irreverent racial humor in his routines. But at an American Film Institute tribute to Oscar winner Shirley MacLaine he may have gone to far. The 86-year-old quipped “I shouldn’t make fun of the blacks, President Obama is a personal friend of mine. He was over to the house yesterday, but the mop broke.” The crowd was uncomfortably silent".
"Like many comedians of his generation, Rickles’ act has long included racial humor that would be considered unacceptable to today’s audiences".
to quote Rev. Al "many things were acceptable until we stopped accepting them"
these kinds of non jokes are rampant in right wing closed door settings, and just as repulsive in public just slightly watered down but the message still gets out there and emboldens those who would oppose. by keeping their mouths shut when these attitudes are expressed they show a inclination of racial ideology then by opening their mouths they remove all doubt. please click title