"Take, for example, his two-and-a-half minute campaign video entitled “The Promise of America.” The schmaltzy clip is the opening salvo for his general election strategy and is intended to capture the “true spirit” of America, its people, and inspire the belief that Romney has their best interests at heart. Romney will fight for the American people and the American way of life. There’s one big problem: there aren’t any people of color in this video".
nothing new there he's just embracing the right wing position of discrimination against any so called minority ethnic or life style. remember Romney's statement "i don't care about the poor" he'll fix their safety net, except his potential running mate has a bill that strips all that away so is that just and empty promise, like all that he claims he'll do on his first day in office, does he think it only takes him saying it to make it be? has he not payed attention to what they have against the interest of "we the people" to the Pres.?
does he think progressive's are going to cow tow to his radical right wing agenda and hell him take the country back to their favorite place ah two places 1900's and that imfamous "ditch".
there is no promise from the right, have you right wing voter's forgotten 2010? or are you satisfied with their effort to keep you in the hole for 4 years while they campaign for those same years they were supposed to be focusing on jobs,jobs, jobs. only a fool sticks his hand on a hot stove a second time. please click
http://www.crcmin.org/Articles_on_Mormonism.html copy paste