Residents of a neighborhood in Virginia were upset to find fliers with the signature of a branch of the Ku Klux Klan in their front lawns.
The racist and anti-gay fliers were distributed Wednesday night or early Thursday morning in the quiet Marshall Terrace neighborhood in Danville, according to The Register & Bee. The fliers asked residents if they were fed up with “racial mixing” and “black welfare,” before urging them to support the “white revolution.” Another flyer urged the residents to “support gay bashing” to fight against HIV/AIDS.The fliers can be found on the website of the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The group describes itself as “a law abiding Christian Organization” that fights “for WHITE PEOPLES RIGHTS.”
why, they have a republican gov. look at what he has tried to do to women and poor, too much to list but you know. they share similar ideology they both hate most are bigots all of KKK are racist bigots, they vote primarily right wing, i know they vote Obama in both elections but they still have a republican gov. trying to implement republica agendas.
if you lie down with dogs better buy a flea collar.
“I resent it,” an 86-year-old woman who found a flier told The Register & Bee. “It just aggravated me. I picked it up and put it in the trash where it belonged.”Danville Police Chief Philip Broadfoot said it wasn’t the first time KKK materials had been discovered in the city. In the last decade, local police have received reports of KKK materials two or three other times.
they used to say as you entered Va. "Va. is for lovers", guess they didn't want to scare tourist. they have to know who and where they are a group like that will not stay underground, should we expect charges, don't think so.
one nice think to find a 86 year old who was not still bound to that kind of rhetoric, kudo's granny.