yes he needs to keep hitting the notes of Romney's claim song of he's the job producer. it's just his story does not jive with the video tape. the more we repeat it the more it nullifies their repetition of the misinformation of his accomplishments, or lack there of.
seems he only did a good job when he was that vulture capitalist who hit the middle class worker like, Atilla the Hun.
screwed his state during governorship, his only wins were just savaging families then posing with his buddies with money coming out of every orifice he has. now he's your buddy and wants to lead you and your country?
do you think that this guy is the guy he tries to make you think he is? or do you recognize a go a long to get along rich guy who just wants to out do his dad. he has not mentioned any real definitive plan to revitalize the middle class, because he has no intention of doing that it's not in the right wing playbook to privatize America. please click title
i wrote this on this blog last year Sunday, June 5, 2011
Hello, my thought collusion between corporations and their supporters CONSERVS to sit on the millions of dollars not trying to move country forward because it makes this admin look accountable for low advancement stats you know same dishonesty they are using in WI with Walker. then ride in on their white Rolls and save the country. really who's zoomin' who?