Monday, June 4, 2012

Reid: GOP doesn't want equal pay for women

"They don't agree with this, they don't want women to make the same amount of money, so they're filibustering this," Reid said on the Senate floor. "They are filibustering us even getting on the bill."

what is this Svengali like influence the right has over it's female participants? i say participants because all they seem to be doing for women's right's is participating in it's subterfuge of all the practical, health, and moral issues involving women exclusively, then can trickle down and destroy the relationship with their families. yet the right wing female bullies are intent on inflicting this on their fellow women.

their blatant discrimination of our American ladies is the same hate that permeates that party and it's manifesto of not including those not like them or adhere to their blasphemous idiotology. these women go on the world media and flagrantly denounce the status of their counterparts as not only deserving women, but deserving American's. haters swarm like moths to a flame. if they win what will they change the country's name to? kinda hard to keep United States. please click title