Interesting whine from Rep. Trey Gowdy, still smarting over getting owned by Hillary Clinton during his Benghazi Committee inquisition last week.
[...] It sounds like you may regret how you went about questioning Secretary Clinton, that maybe you should've done some of it off camera and only some of it on camera. What do over do you want?
Well, Chuck it was a voluntary interview. I didn't send the subpoena to Secretary Clinton. It was a voluntary interview, and she wanted it to be in public. I wrote a letter several months ago giving her an option. And she chose public. And that's well within her right.
I can just tell you that of the 50-some odd interviews we have done thus far, the vast majority of them have been private. And you don't see the bickering among the members of Congress and private interviews. You don't see any of that. So the venue that is most constructive--
Given Gowdy's committee's history of selective out-of-context leaks and irrelevant questions (see: Blumenthal, Sidney), of course they want to do this shit in secret! Just last week we saw what happens when the light of day is shined on their proceedings: A jumbled mess of conspiracy theories, irrelevant tangents, and politically-motivated attacks.
It was much easier to work on getting Clinton's poll numbers down when the committee could claim it was merely a non-partisan exercise in truth finding (with a pliant and naive political media playing along with that fantasy). Now? Not so much. Not only have key Republicans admitted the nefarious purpose of the committee, but everyone has now seen it with their own two eyes. And if Republicans were humiliated in the process? That's only because it was so obvious they have nothing.
Remember, this is the same committee that is still petrified at the idea that people will see what really happened during its questioning of Sidney Blumenthal, voting along party lines to keep that truth from the American people. As for the 50 interviews conducted in private? Release those, too! And the attendance logs as well, so we can see which Republicans showed up when a non-Clinton personality was on the hot seat. Looking at you, Trey.well they can't claim Hillary isn't qualified to handle foreign policy or negotiations after she bested their premier attack dog committee. they went after her re[repeatedly asking same questions getting more and more dismantled when the insanity of the effort produced no change as Gowdy admitted post inquisition, Hillary well all that was missing were 3D glasses, popcorn and a drink.
we should demand all witch hunts that impact we the people be made public to us it is obvious why they didn't want the cameras they are like those rogue police doing their dirt out of the public eye while whining about not being supported by the very victims of their deception. where and how does it being a voluntary interview when in his own words he said he gave her the option make any difference to them being handed their political butts by a Dem Woman???????????????????????????
makes you wonder who really is the tough one, thin skinned and crying foul when someone looks at them funny or Trump who won't talk to you if you're not nice to him sounds a little hissy for a guy who wants to sit in the big chair, don't think Putin and others don't notice that.
as to humiliation that's rich especially coming from those who have no shame in their game maybe they need to look at that and their audacity of arrogance as to cause of their humiliation that is the most ludicrous statement made in the last 48 hours hold on another one is just round the bend.