Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Oathkeepers Come To Ferguson, Armed And Ready


Just exactly WTF is going on in Ferguson? I think the police chief has some explaining to do.
The Oathkeepers have come to Ferguson, with guns out and ready to shoot. What are the police doing? Not a lot.
Jon Belmar has some serious explaining to do about why the Oathkeepers are on the streets of Ferguson, why they're being permitted to walk around openly carrying guns such as the ones seen above, and why they're not being arrested like unarmed black citizens are.
change is superficial those who have the power the real power control everything occasionally giving a concession but taking more liberty.  i wondered about the shooting being away from protest and who was it really we heard last time about KKK coming to help the local police. yeaer blater a few Black people elected to office police shakeup and here we go you can't tell the difference except there wasn't a tank or military gear that was filmed anyway.  
notice the federal law breaker who threatens federal officers above????
Cliven Bundy squatter.