Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Police Union Declares Anniversary Of Mike Brown's Death 'Darren Wilson Day'


Police Union Declares Anniversary Of Mike Brown's Death 'Darren Wilson Day'

Yeah, black people just keep ending up dead around the nation but it's never, ever, ever anyone's fault. Not only that, but we're being so unfair to those men and women in uniform.
I like police officers who actually police. No matter how they try and fluff Darren Wilson, he still killed Mike Brown because he believed he was a "monster." So yes, this offends me.
A Facebook posting declaring Sunday 'Darren Wilson Day' in this college town brought protesters to the police station on Monday and strong criticism from city leaders.
A post on the Columbia Police Officers Association’s Facebook page, which appeared on the one-year anniversary of the fatal shooting of black teenager Michael Brown by white Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson, called Wilson "an innocent, but persecuted, officer."
The post included a message saying that support for Wilson has nothing to do with race. The author of the post said the police officers organization supports Wilson because of "the fact that he was thoroughly investigated ... and found he did NOTHING wrong."
According to the Columbia Daily Tribune, about 20 protesters gathered at noon in front of the Columbia Police Department headquarters at 600 East Walnut Street. City Manager Mike Matthes and police Chief Ken Burton were in attendance.
“I found the post offensive, and I thought I needed to stand with the community and say what the police department thinks about it," Burton said at the protest. "It was insensitive at best, and provocative at worst."
Columbia Mayor Robert McDavid responded with his own Facebook post, calling the police association post divisive.
"Instead, our community and nation need to come together, communicate, and understand," McDavid said on Facebook. "CPOA is a trade organization that is not accountable to the City of Columbia."
nothing has changed because the powers that be don't want it to it is still open season 365 days 24/7 and until laws federally are passed and convictions happen and we see these murdering cops incarcerated the beat goes on and many Black lives won't. this is regaining the power perspective for police wonder what the Black cops think and if they were even considered or asked that slap is in their faces too.  point is they are still who they were before Mike Browns murder and has shown the newly elected Black officials have no pull.

with all the bone throwing the past year they still had the power and were not about to relinquish it to a majority Blacl population