here we go again republicans railing against the latest issue of fetal tissue and who gets paid as i see it but they again forgot to check their own archives to find out that in all the pantie twisting republicans are doing that they were for this before they were against it, so does that mean it was a bad plan and they just didn't take the time to read up on it before passing bills in favor of it or does it mean they are looking to revive old buzz topics to gin up an interest losing base and electorate???????
but the retread was not sensational enough so they added the clandestine implication of selling aborted baby parts that has advanced our data on healthcare helped to discover cures or treatments but republicans as we know don't care about us or our well being those aborted fetuses would have been destroyed so helping other future Americans is less desirable then throwing them in the trash or burning them takes a real republican to rationalize that