Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The O'Reilly Factor Continues Dehumanizing Coverage Of New York's Homeless Population

Bill O'Reilly: Homeless People "Shouldn't Be Allowed To Destroy Neighborhoods"

this shows the right wing apathetic stance when it come to fellow Americans not as fortunate instead of doing things pressing politicians to pass legislation to assist or lessen the fact that they have no choice in their predicament but city officials can but obviously refuse to do what is needed to remedy this situation.

O'Rweilly makes sense in last statement but than steps on it by saying "they shouldn't be allowed to destry neighborhoods"  that is a view from down his nose relegating these homeless people to a lower class that should not be allowed in the same zip code as them.  fixing it instead of nixing it is a progressive solution, degradation is a back turning, deaf ear right wing problem.