Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Armed Confederate supporters interrupt black child's birthday party with racial slurs, death threats


Confederate Flag supporters pull up on outdoor birthday birthday party hosted by a black family

I kid you not, it feels like we are going back in time in America.
In an Atlanta suburb this past weekend, Melissa Alford (a black woman) and her family were hosting an outdoor birthday party in Douglasville, Georgia, when a convoy of seven large pickup trucks donning Confederate flags interrupted the party and pulled into the grass. The occupants then called them niggers and threatened them with violence, according to multiple eyewitnesses, who also stated that the men actually flashed guns at them:
One of at least two cellphone videos from the incident shows Douglasville police officers holding back a group of black men and women as at least seven pickup trucks drive off. The trucks’ white passengers wave as the Confederate, American and military flags mounted on the vehicles flap in the air. .
“This is a child’s birthday party,” one woman in the crowd can be heard saying.
A second video shows the trucks gathered on a grassy area, and the N-word can be heard. A woman who shared the video said the trucks were on her property and their passengers were armed and threatened to “kill y’all [N-words].”
This is crazy! This is happening on our watch and the police didn't do a damn thing about it because they claimed they didn't see any laws being broken.
just like the old days they come in packs to intimidate are they afraid to do this kind of hate mongering on their own, oh yeah there was a post a few days ago where a KKK pissed his pants and his cohorts fled when one Black gut tired of the racist rants and approached him no more buster badazz.  the lady said they pulled up on her lawn isn't that tresspass at least or are the cops afraid or members??????????
