Sunday, July 5, 2015

George Will & Brit Hume Tackle The GOP's 'Donald Trump Problem'
First off, the title is misleading. Brit Hume didn't tackle the 'Trump Problem' for the GOP. He made light of it, saying Trump's flamboyance and inflammatory rhetoric was meant to raise his own profile, but didn't reflect on any others in the race, or the Republican brand itself. Hume then made the sideways comparison with Bernie Sanders for the Democrats (remind me again of Sanders inflammatory rhetoric?). Basically Hume functioned as a surrogate for Reince Priebus, sounding just as rabidly partisan and just as foolish. (note to Fox News: just put Priebus on if you want GOP talking points, and spare the pretense of objectivity.)
George Will then got his chance to play the role of grown-up for Fox News Sunday, and that is more or less what he did, by not avoiding the subject altogether like Hume, but saying that yes indeed the GOP do have a Trump problem that tarnishes the brand.
WILL: “Picture him on stage in [the GOP debate in] Cleveland,” Will said on Fox News Sunday this morning. “He says something hideously inflammatory — which is all he knows how to say — and then what do the other nine people on stage do? Do they either become complicit in what he said by their silence, or do they all have to attack him? The debate gets hijacked. The process gets hijacked. At the end of the day he is a one-man Todd Akin. He’s Todd Akin with ten different facets.”
Will went on to say that by his behaviour, Donald Trump was acting more like "a Democratic mole".
there is a split in the right wing pants one side tries to brush it off as a nothing here while the other side of the tear admits Trump is a elephant rump but also injects a thought that Trump could be a spy for the Dems concluding that is why he's been trying to sink the party with his asinine rhetoric but that fails the smell test because if it were real he would have a long list of republican double agents because they all have acted like they are trying to lose could it be to rid themselves of the radical tea people keeping their picks away from becoming not just a nominee but the HMDIC (HEAD MF DIRECTLY IN CHARGE).

Fox is not the place to seek honesty and fairness.