Sunday, April 28, 2013

GOP moves away from entitlements and toward tax reform in budget deal -

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With another fight over the national debt brewing this summer, congressional Republicans are de-emphasizing their demand for politically painful cuts to retirement programs and focusing on a more popular prize: a thorough rewrite of the U.S. tax code.
Reining in spending on Social Security and Medicare remains an important policy goal for the GOP. But House leaders launched a series of meetings last week aimed at convincing rank-and-file lawmakers that tax reform is both wise policy and good politics and should be their top priority heading into talks with Democrats over the need to raise the federal debt limit.
or they are realizing the vote loss behind their current denial to American voters, they got so gung ho i think they loss sight of the end of the rants, actually there was no foreseeable end the relentlessness was the beginning of the end.
 they were being rebutted at every turn which only fueled the ravenous appetite to chew and spit out American rights.
they loss track oif their lies so they invented more those had no foundation so what do they do, have a committee to find out why they are getting their cans kicked all over the place, 
all they had to do was read the name of why they formed the committee, they were wrong and liars and would not let go, they are desperate for anything they think they can bloody the Pres.'s nose with.